Monday, May 2, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Birthday !

I am officially turning 22 on March 15th ! And I am ready to start down a new path and leave some things behind ! What did not kill me made me stronger , I truly believe that !  In the past couple of months things have started going better and now as the 22nd Fantastical fairy Extravaganza ( or my birthday for you normal people loll ) approaches, I can't wait to kick off on a new footing ~!
So love yourself , the people around you and the strangers you might never meet - in other words ; surround yourselves with love and smiles and I hope that everything goes well for everyone :) ♥

Hugs and Mega Birthday kisses ! xox

Friday, January 21, 2011


Ok so Pinkness isn't a word , Im fine with that. But it sure is a state of mind - nobody can argue with that ! When I am happy and excited or just plain in a good mood it has come to be known by myself and my man as Pinkness ! When he wants to buy me something that will make my day - makeup , a book or a little Hello Kitty or Tinkerbell toy / item ... he calls it getting Pinkness for me.
The fact of the matter is that whenever we feel happy / excited and we are in a bubbly mood its like the world around us becomes pretty and in my case , Pink !
When we are sad or angry or things just keep going wrong , the gray comes back into the world and we see life through dark lenses ...
But if we let small things make us happy again , then it is easier to see the world through colored lenses. Pink makes me happy - but it could be any color depending on what makes you happy. The important thing is to always try and keep some color amongst the darkness and to let ourselves put on some " Pink " colored lenses and be happy when things arent going well , so that no matter what , there is always a little bit of happiness in our world !

Hugs and Kisses , Melissa !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

TOP 10 of 2010

2010 came to an end almost 2 weeks ago, and after reflecting on the products that I used this past year, I decided to compile a favorites list! Most of the products that I use can be found at your local drug store, Walmart or Target ! Of course it is never easy to shave down a list to only 10 things , but I am going to give it my best !!!
( In no particular order )

1) Maybelline Color sensational Lipsticks - I never really wore lipstick before trying these and they had me hooked from the start !! They literally glide on and feel so smooth on your lips !!
2) Cover Girl Wet Slicks Amazemint lipgloss - I LOVE lip glosses in general , but I was surprised by the quality of this drugstore find ! Not sticky and the minty smell is very pleasant !!
3) LOréal Collagen Mascara - I had a few favorite mascaras this year, but this one was the top drugstore brand for 2010 in my opinion. It does pretty much all it says it will and I love that !
4) Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear nail polish - for 3$ this stuff deserves a lot of credit ! The colors are amazing and they have pretty good staying power ! Aside from a few shades all of these are super pigmented and awesome!
5) Bioré Self Heating face Mask - This product was one of my favorites in this list. The mask heats on contact with water and gentle exfoliating beads disintegrate and turn the mask blue to let you know its time to stop scrubbing and rinse. My skin looked refreshed after every use ! Once a week is all you need to keep your skin nice and fresh!
6) Schwarzkopf Heat protectant Spray - I have tried other drug store heat protectants and find that they leave a residue in your hair no matter how much or how little you seem to apply - but not with this !  It keeps my hair nice and shiny and doesnt weigh it down with product. For 6$ its a great buy !
7) Aveeno Baby Body lotion - If you have dry , rough or eczema prone skin , this cream was my miracle ! I had tried every cream suggested to me by the pharmacist - until finally upon asking my doctor who told me about this one. My eczema finally found relief ! My dry legs and arms finally got the break from scratching that they were aching for - this is truly the BEST skin cream out there for dry, itchy skin !

8) Polysporin Lip Treatment - I suffer from dry cracked lips year round! Caused by the weather mostly but also from me licking my lips. I have tried many treatments before and Blistex came pretty close to this one , but for 2010 Polysporin was my go-to lip treatment. It heals your lips fast and therefore, has been a staple in my makeup case ever since I tried it this past November !

9) EcoTools brushes - Earlier in the year I found myself needing to change my makeup brushes , they were getting old and some had started shedding. Since they all seemed to need replacing at the same time , I decided to try and find a cheaper brand and not break the bank! I found Eco Tools - they are synthetic , eco-friendly brushes and they are some of the softest brushes I have ever touched ! They work great and are made from bamboo and synthetic eco-safe fibers.

10 ) Last but not least ... Elle by YSL - This perfume has been my perfume for almost 2 years now. I got it Christmas 2009 and after spending summer 2010 not using it , rediscovered it in the Fall of 2010 and fell in love all over again ! This perfume is my scent , it is sexy and sultry and womanly ! It makes my list because I still have yet to find a scent I love more !

So there you have it ! My Top 10 Favorites of 2010 !

Hugs and Kisses - Melissa !

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Released into the universe ...

Things that are released into the universe can't really be taken back , once they are out there , they can only be ignored or forgotten . Words, statements ,and insults that have been put out there are always going to remain , some fade, some dont' and never will. We trust people with things and when they use it against us for personal gain it swells around us until we get past it , if we ever do. Relationships are tested by the universe and the things we release into it. Old things we thought we had forgotten suddenly reappear at the smallest of confrontations.
 So what are we meant to forgive and forget? How do we know if we really have forgiven or forgotten? Sometimes only time will tell , only time will let us know if we have gotten past certain obstacles that are in this universe trying to cloud around us. So here is to time , to forgiving , forgetting and moving through the clouds towards a better and clearer environment.
The universe is vast , so here's to not letting everything that has been released into it stay around us , lets try to move past the clouds and into clarity.

Hugs and Kisses, Melissa ♥

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

First, I have to say that 2010 was not the best year for me , so I don't mind saying goodbye to it. I feel like it has gone by in this blur of color and sound and emotion. I started off 2010 on a rocky footing ... and though I am finishing it on a much more stable standing , I am nowhere near balanced. Don't get me wrong , many nice memories occurred in 2010 - like my amazing 21rst birthday that I spent surrounded by family and my man. Or celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my wonderful boyfriend. Unfortunately I lost some very important relationships , one right before 2010 started and another very slowly as the year commenced.

When I think of everything I have gone through on an emotional level I wish that most of 2010 could be forgotten, but what I have learned about myself and what I want in life is priceless and I don't want to forget what I have accomplished on that level. Some say the " depression " I went through this year was simply a stepping stone to better things, while others simply chose to deny the occurrence or even the possibility of me being depressed enough for it to affect my everyday life. Now all personal opinions about clinical depression and anti-depressants aside, I just want to say that even I don't know if this has been a depression or just an accumulation of past emotions that were bottled up to the point of overflow. I don't know if medication really has helped or if I am just " better ". But what I am sure of is that it has been difficult not being able to work for the past 7 months and coming to term with certain emotions and certain truths has been excruciating. I have learned to let go of my relationship with my father without letting go of the rest of my family - it doesn't mean I don't love him , it just means I love ME more and I am taking charge of MY life. And I have learned that I will make mistakes but I can't stop living life for fear of making them- I just need to learn from them.

I sincerely hope that I can enter 2011 with renewed hope and vigor. I am still getting past some things, which is fine, but I hope that within the next month or so I will be back working- at least part-time ! I also hope that in the next couple months I can find a career path that suits me and find a way to accomplish getting to where I want to be on that level. And if you read this , and you are going through a rough time , know that eventually things get better, don't be discouraged. You can find inspiration in the most unexpected places and that will help push you to WANT to better yourself and your situation. For example , I found it on YouTube , watching Makeup Guru vlogs - it made me want to feel good about myself again ,to put the effort into looking my best again and it pulled me out of the slump I had been in since I stopped working and going out of the house. You never know what might inspire you .
So HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone who reads this - may 2011 be inspirational and mentally healthy for everyone.

Hugs and Kisses , Melissa ♥